I’m 30 and I really like Snapchat

Why would you remotely want to use Snapchat? You send a message and then it’s deleted…  that seems pretty pointless. I used to be familiar with the platform in the sense that I understood the marketing opportunities and followed the trends and changes, but I wasn’t an active user by any stretch. Snapchat had been embraced by college students and tweens– 71 percent of users are 25 and younger to be exact – and I just didn’t find it valuable for me personally. I had chosen Instagram and Facebook as my social networks of choice.

Then, I started getting a bit self-conscious about my status updates on Facebook. Do all 700 of my “friends” really care that I’m eating tasty Banh Mi at a food truck fair? And, is that something I really want to have on my timeline for the rest of my life? As a result of this “deep and meaningful” personal social media soul searching, my status updates on Facebook during the last few months have become fewer and farther between. Don’t get me wrong – I still visit Facebook at least three to five times a day. I’m just not posting nearly as much.

But, I still felt like I wanted to share that Banh Mi truck with a few of my close friends. As well as silly little things, like my obsession with that FourFiveSeconds song.

That’s when I finally started to understand Snapchat. I can share these silly little glimpses into my life with just a few friends at a time, and not feel like I’m oversharing. After all, the snap is gone after just a few seconds. And, for those one to 10 seconds, my friends get a glimpse into my life. We doodle on our pictures and share our days. We take little videos of what we’re up to. Snapchat is actually a really nice way to stay in touch.

Plus, if I’ve snapped something I do want to remember and share, it’s actually not gone forever. I can always download it to my phone and share it on Facebook, too.

Are you a Snapchat user? Would love to hear your experience in the comments!

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